Sunday, January 7, 2007

Millionaire Stars Acting Like Babies

How pathetic, when are we going to put down the baby bottle and act like adults? What happen to our ethics?? or the saying “Turn the other cheek???” Must we put people down when they make comments about us or belittle them? There are others ways to make a person pay for their ominous ways!

If you don't know by what or who I am talking about, I speak of Mr. Donald Trump and Mrs. Rosie O'Donnell. I don't really care who started the feud but it is a better person who takes the high road instead of "keeping the slams going!" These days we are too selfish by letting the little things get to us. These two people should take a course from Elmo and hug each other!! I thought Mr. Trump dealt in ethics and I figured that since Rosie hung around the Muppets that they would have helped her not to have a potty mouth! Boy was I wrong!!

If these two don't hug soon then we are all in trouble ~

Have a nice Day and don't forget to hug the ones you love and those in need of a good hug ;-)) Also, don’t forget to blog your comments here!

Sincerely, Herb Eash

Gulf War Vet

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